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You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

People take legal matters into their own hands every day, and sometimes they lose money and property in the process. You can make a legally binding contract without using an attorney, but you are risking missing some big legal loopholes and laws you may not be familiar with that can not only make your contract invalid but can actually cost you in the end. When you are selling or purchasing real estate, tackling the creation of a will or even just loaning money to a friend, a consultation with an attorney can be a positive step. I'll show you when and why you need an attorney.



You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

    A Guide On The Work Of Probate Lawyers

    When one dies, their estate gets disbursed per their directives or state laws. As such, the estate disbursement process depends on whether there is a will or not. Ordinarily, the will executor or beneficiaries may have to hire a probate lawyer to assist in the probate process. So, who is a probate lawyer, and why do you need one? Who Is a Probate Lawyer? Primarily, a probate lawyer is a state-licensed attorney who specializes in estate law.

    What You Need To Know About Auto Accidents Caused By A Car Defect

    Many car accidents are caused by driver misconduct. However, some accidents can be attributed to car defects. If you're involved in a car accident and believe that a defect in the car caused the incident, you should consult your auto accident attorney. Here's some basic information on auto accidents arising from car defects. What Are Some Common Car Defects? One of the common car defects involves airbags. Sometimes the airbags in a car may fail to deploy.

    Protect Yourself After A Slip And Fall At The Grocery Store

    When a person visits the grocery store, they do so with one goal in mind — to purchase food. What they do not expect is to slip and fall and leave the store with an injury. However, for a number of people, the latter scenario is the exact situation they find themselves in. If you happen to be a part of this group, here is some information you want to keep in mind.

    Paternity: What You Need To Know

    When unmarried couples have a child, you may think the paternity of the child is assumed. Ideally, the two of you would remain a couple and raise your child together. Sadly, this is not always the case. If one of you decides to leave the relationship, there can be ramifications for the child as well, particularly when it comes to paternity and child custody issues. Here are some things you need to know about paternity as an unmarried couple:

    OBGYN Personal Injuries Are Serious

    When most people visit their obstetrician or gynecologist (or OBGYN), they expect to leave an appointment safely. You do not expect to return home to experience infertility issues or to see your child experience the symptoms of a birth injury. Unfortunately, malpractice in the OBGYN field can lead to personal injury. If this is the case for you, it may be time to consider your future and file a lawsuit against the OBGYN who caused the problem to develop.

    Getting Ready For Your Social Security Appeal Hearing

    While getting denied your Social Security benefits can be difficult to deal with, you should make sure you don't forget to file for an appeal. It's commonplace for many applicants to be denied benefits only to be approved at an appeal hearing. Once you know you need to appeal, you have things to do. Read on to find out what should be occupying your time after you get a denial letter in the mail from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

    Planning Your Estate When You Have A Variety Of Heirs

    Estate planning is a natural part of planning for your future and the security of any heirs you have in your life. While you may have named a beneficiary on a bank account or life insurance policy, estate planning goes beyond this. You can decide who you want to leave your assets to, if you want your entire estate liquidated before you divide it up, or who gets specific items that you currently possess.

    Why Timing Is Everything With Your Personal Injury Accident Case

    For those impacted by a car accident, getting things back to normal is very important. Accidents can disrupt every area of your life, from your physical and emotional well-being to your job and your financial situation. Doing things at the right time after an accident can be a bit tricky so read on to find out how to find the sweet spot that means adequate and timely compensation after your car accident.