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You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

People take legal matters into their own hands every day, and sometimes they lose money and property in the process. You can make a legally binding contract without using an attorney, but you are risking missing some big legal loopholes and laws you may not be familiar with that can not only make your contract invalid but can actually cost you in the end. When you are selling or purchasing real estate, tackling the creation of a will or even just loaning money to a friend, a consultation with an attorney can be a positive step. I'll show you when and why you need an attorney.



You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

Getting Ready For Your Social Security Appeal Hearing

by Barry Butler

While getting denied your Social Security benefits can be difficult to deal with, you should make sure you don't forget to file for an appeal. It's commonplace for many applicants to be denied benefits only to be approved at an appeal hearing. Once you know you need to appeal, you have things to do. Read on to find out what should be occupying your time after you get a denial letter in the mail from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Note the Deadline for the Appeal

You have only 60 days from the date on the denial letter to request your Social Security disability appeal hearing. If you have a good reason for missing the date, you might be able to get an extension. For example, those too ill or hospitalized to cope with the appeal may be granted an extension for filing it. Others will have to begin the application process again, however.

Speak to a Social Security Disability Attorney

If you have not already done so, talk to a Social Security disability attorney. These legal professionals don't work directly for the SSA but are familiar with SSA laws and practices. Some are approved to offer applicants their services with no upfront costs involved. The contingency fee method allows people who need help with their application or the appeal hearing to get a lawyer and have them paid from the lump-sum back pay they are expecting. This type of contingency fee arrangement has to be approved by the SSA, and there are limits on the percentage the lawyer is paid. If you don't find success at the appeal hearing, you won't owe the lawyer any money.

Use Your Time Wisely

While waiting for the appeal hearing to happen, follow these tips to ensure your case is successful:

  1. Continue to seek medical treatment, keep your medical appointments, and follow all treatment orders. This is no time to slack off on your medical care. Not only is it important for your health, but the hearing officer may be unimpressed if you have not had any medical care for several months. It might cause a delay while they wait for you to be examined by a Social Security contract doctor.
  2. Keep in touch with your attorney at least weekly. Be sure to let the attorney know about any address or phone contact changes. Every time you see the doctor, let your attorney know about it.
  3. Bring all SSA correspondence to the attention of your lawyer.

To learn more, speak to a Social Security disability attorney.
