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You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

People take legal matters into their own hands every day, and sometimes they lose money and property in the process. You can make a legally binding contract without using an attorney, but you are risking missing some big legal loopholes and laws you may not be familiar with that can not only make your contract invalid but can actually cost you in the end. When you are selling or purchasing real estate, tackling the creation of a will or even just loaning money to a friend, a consultation with an attorney can be a positive step. I'll show you when and why you need an attorney.



You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It


What Will Happen When The New Overtime Rules Take Effect?

If you work more than 40 hours a week in a salaried position, you may sometimes bemoan the fact that you're expected to put in extra hours without receiving extra pay. While salaried positions can often carry with them perks like higher levels of responsibility or autonomy, in other situations they may simply be a way for management to cut overtime costs by classifying employees as exempt from the overtime requirements of federal labor laws.

Informal Vs. Legal Separation: 3 Things You Should Consider

Making your marriage work can be difficult, which is why approximately 40% to 50% of marriages end in divorce. If you are struggling in your marriage, you may want to consider separating for a while. This will give you time to think about things and decide what you want to do. If you decide to do this, you have two main options. You could either have an informal separation, or you could go through with a legal separation, and here are three things to consider as you decide which to choose.