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You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

People take legal matters into their own hands every day, and sometimes they lose money and property in the process. You can make a legally binding contract without using an attorney, but you are risking missing some big legal loopholes and laws you may not be familiar with that can not only make your contract invalid but can actually cost you in the end. When you are selling or purchasing real estate, tackling the creation of a will or even just loaning money to a friend, a consultation with an attorney can be a positive step. I'll show you when and why you need an attorney.



You May Need an Attorney and Not Even Know It

Common Traffic Crimes and Their Legal Implications: What You Need to Know

by Barry Butler

Navigating the roads requires responsibility and adherence to traffic laws. However, there are instances when drivers commit traffic crimes, which can have serious consequences. Understanding common traffic crimes and their legal implications is essential for every driver. Here are the most common traffic crimes and shed light on the potential legal ramifications of each offense. By familiarizing yourself with these offenses, you can make informed decisions while driving and avoid legal trouble.


One of the most prevalent traffic crimes is speeding. The legal implications of speeding vary depending on the offense and the jurisdiction. Penalties commonly include fines, points on your driving record, and even license suspension. Repeat offenders may face steeper penalties and increased insurance premiums. Additionally, excessive speeding can lead to accidents, injuries, and loss of life, making it crucial to respect speed limits for the safety of yourself and others.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving involves operating a vehicle with willful disregard for the safety of others. This offense encompasses a range of dangerous behaviors such as excessive speeding, aggressive driving, tailgating, and running red lights. The legal consequences for reckless driving can be severe, including hefty fines, license suspension, mandatory driver education programs, and even jail time. Reckless driving puts lives at risk, tarnishes your driving record, and increases insurance rates.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

These laws vary across jurisdictions, but in most places, operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content test (BAC) past a specific limit is illegal. A DUI conviction can have severe legal repercussions, including significant fines, suspension of driver's license, mandatory participation in alcohol education programs, probation, and potentially even imprisonment. Furthermore, a DUI conviction can impact your driving record, insurance premiums, and employment opportunities.

Hit and Run

A hit-and-run offense occurs when a driver flees an accident and flees the scene without exchanging information or providing assistance if needed. Hit-and-run incidents can involve property damage or injury to pedestrians, cyclists, or motorists. The legal consequences of a hit-and-run offense can vary. Penalties include fines, license suspension, criminal charges, and potential imprisonment. It is important to remember that staying at the scene of an accident and fulfilling your legal obligations is not only ethically responsible but also a legal requirement.

Understanding common traffic crimes and their legal implications is vital for every driver. Remember to prioritize the safety of yourself and others by obeying traffic laws, avoiding dangerous behaviors, and staying informed about local traffic regulations. Taking these precautions will not only keep you out of legal trouble but also contribute to creating safer roads for everyone.

Contact a local traffic crime attorney to learn more. 
